by Paige Nienaber | May 12, 2020 | Bugs and Crawling Creatures, Flight Attendant, funny, germs, gross, nasty, Planes & The People Who Fly On Them, restaurant, safety, scary, Weird
This is a familiar tone with this site, but flight attendants see some weird stuff. This is from Flight Attendant X who was on a layover in Boston, ordered a drink, had it brought to her, went up to the bar to get something, returned and found this guy (male is assumed) on her glass.
by Paige Nienaber | Apr 22, 2018 | bathroom, Bugs and Crawling Creatures, gross, scary, shower
Found in a tub at a Red-based brand. The finder/ee says that it was the icing on the cake and changed hotels; it sounds like she had had a loooonng week.
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